Monday, November 13, 2023

Cannon Prop Week 4: ZBrush Sculpting

ZBrush Sculpting (Front of Body and Plow)


UV Maps


  1. Great work! I notice a lot of fastening on some of your shapes and I'd also probably add more details to your edges and other surface detail.

  2. Smooth out the facets. I like how your started to texture and beat up your shapes. Keep it up!

  3. I love how complex your prop is but in terms of UVs it would be really impressive if you could get it all on on UV map also you need to smooth out that faceting it's very distracting when I'm trying to admire all that modeling work.

  4. I'm liking how this is progressing, all the shapes are looking good (apart from the faceting which I know is still a WIP). One thing I noticed is it seems like you could get more efficient UVs by putting the islands closer together? Tough to say without going in there myself but perhaps something to consider.

  5. Faceting is really obvious. Add subdivisions in Maya and then bring it to zbrush. Otherwise, very clean shapes and good UV Layout.

  6. Rendering looks good. Some faceting on the more cylindrical objects. Using subdivision, and then dynamesh can help to clean that up. Just some more sculpting once that is all configured, but good start!

  7. Hi Ted! This design is very complicated, and I can tell you took care to include every piece to it! Super impressive! I recommend subdividing the wheels and some of the tubes on the back pre-dynameshing to reduce the faceting on the shapes. Great job so far!

  8. Hello Ted, I really love all the hard surfacy detail on your cannon, the shape work looks phenomenal. I would recommend to keep pushing the edge wear and make your pieces more up resd.
